To Do
Shorter Term
- Document and publish Open Firmware instructions and possible kernel Partial
Document and publish CFE instructions Done - Thanks Christian Zigotzky
- Determine if any demand exists for Fienix on Sam series; if so, document and publish Sam series instructions
- Establish a mirror repository
Implement simple bug reporter for community troubleshooting Done
Software Suggestion forum Done
- "Spins" packages
- Curated Software Center, in addition to current Synaptic Package Manager
- "Fienix Informer" script, taking inspiration from Budgie Showtime
- Welcome/tour package
- Add additional language and keyboard support
Longer Term
- Relocate Fienix website from temporary blogger to a more a robust platform, perhaps Wordpress
Contribute to or implement solution to "web browser problem" Done - Thanks Matt (wicknix) and Riccardo Mottola
- Contribute to or implement solution to "Radeon graphics driver wall"
Initiate study on panel design, incorporate findings in Fienix Panel 2.0