The Fienix Project, in support of free and open-source software, open-hardware, user choice in computer architectures, reducing unnecessary obsolescence and providing an alternative to vendor lock-in, intends to provide, free of charge, a Linux distribution and other software for PowerPC computers that is focused on providing a user-friendly experience.
Fienix is a Linux distribution for PowerPC computers consisting primarily of free and open-source (FOSS), GPL-compatible software. Source code for GPL-compatible software is available at snapshot.debian.com. Software which is not FOSS, or which contains non-FOSS data, is noted as such in its repository description, i.e. located in the "not-foss" section. You are permitted to use, alter and distribute this software in any manner that is allowed in the software's license.
The name "Fienix" and the Fienix Logo are trademarks of The Fienix Project and Casey Cullen, and may be used only as described in the below "copyright and trademark notice". These trademarks do not restrict your rights to use, alter or distribute the software that is packaged or included with Fienix; they do restrict your rights to use the name "Fienix" and the Fienix logo.
© 2021, 2022, 2023 The Fienix Project and Casey Cullen <fienixppc@gmail.com>
"Fienix" and the Fienix Logo are trademarks of The Fienix Project and Casey Cullen <fienixppc@gmail.com>
The Fienix logo is a derivative work protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. The non-derivative work (original) is published under the CC0 1.0 Universal license "No Rights Reserved" on www.pixabay.com by "GDJ".
For more information on CC0 1.0 Universal, see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode
The objective of using copyright and trademark protections for Fienix is to encourage the use and adoption of Fienix in the PowerPC computer community, and
to prevent misuse of Fienix trademarks that can confuse or mislead users. It is
not the intention of this policy to limit the distribution of Fienix, discussion about Fienix, or nominative fair use of the Fienix trademarks.
When You CAN Use the Fienix Trademarks Without Asking Permission:
1) When discussing, reviewing, or making blog posts about Fienix
2) When announcing, advertising, or promoting products or services relating to, or compatible with Fienix
3) When creating or distributing desktop wallpapers, themes, or other digital assets for non-commercial or commercial use. For commercial use you are recommended to truthfully advisertise what portion of the selling price and/or profits, if any, will be donated to the Fienix Project, the Debian Project from which it is derived, or other open-source software initiatives.
4) When distributing Fienix via physical media or digital transmission, provided you have not altered Fienix and/or the software packaged with Fienix beyond what is allowed for in these guidelines. If you wish to alter Fienix and/or the software packaged with Fienix and distribute the resulting altered project, you may not include the Fienix trademarks in the project.
When You CANNOT use the Fienix Trademarks Without Asking Permission:
1) You cannot use Fienix trademarks as the name or trademarks of your own product or service
2) You cannot use Fienix trademarks in a way which suggests affiliation with, or endorsement by the Fienix project
3) You cannot continue to use the Fienix trademarks if you've altered Fienix and/or the software packaged with Fienix beyond what is allowed for in these guidelines.